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Old 24th September 2021, 11:43 PM   #6
EAAF Staff
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Thank you folks.

JeffS - yes it originally came from the tent peg but later under Bon religion and after that Tibetan Buddhism became a weapon to peg demons down into the ground for disposal and then the wrathful energies from the deities (the faces on the top) come through to dispel demons and evil influences. However, the opposite side, the top, is used for blessing others.

Rich - thank you, meaning "Hail to the jewel in the lotus" - a common old chant in existence before Buddhism came to Tibet.

Marius - Thank you for your confirmation, and it is 9.25 inches tall (around 23 cm)

Ian - not sure about age, but I would guess late 19c? This is what Czerny's dated their example 3 years ago anyway. I would also say the this form was made for either high rank or for veneration and meditation.
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