Thread: Jambiya from?
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Old 10th September 2021, 07:38 AM   #7
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 315

Originally Posted by Tim Simmons View Post
Not really my thing at all. Found in a junk shop, as the blade is more substantial than most I have seen and not too pricey I bought it. The blade had a few quite hard spots of rust but gone now. The scabbard appears to tinned or very light silver plated copper. I have to say that the hammer work is nicely done. rubbed to create copper high lights and some kind of black paste has been applied to produce contrast against the copper and white plating. This black medium has been liberally applied to add an aged look. Buffalo horn handle. To me it looks mid to late 20th century

Sorry to have missed this ...You also place this reference later on the page which is one of the best references around to do with Omani Khanjars by the author of the pdf ..part of his thesis into Omani Khanjars which set a benchmark for excellence on the subject ...

Omani Khanjars were copied by Indian and Pakistani makers inside and outside of Oman and finally the ministry in Oman stepped in and simply banned copies like this one which can be seen to be a clear copy...

1. A cheap shiny looking plated material possibly silver dipped over copper.
2. No chape.
3. A blade without a ridge on both faces...
4. A flat looking hilt.

This could be a toursit style and maybe from an Indian souk location in India.
The author of the PDF goes to great lengths to describe fakes thus I simply refer to that fine detail to finish on the subject... and request to use the reference on Omani Khanjars ...on Forum; to place the details at

Regards, Peter Hudson.
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