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Old 27th August 2021, 01:51 AM   #14
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I am inclined to agree Fernando, and while the use of the Indian style grip causes speculation toward the Raj, it could very well be one off with some private group as you suggest. These kinds of striping themes and brown and white for some reason recall military context, but perhaps that is from the striping on aircraft etc.

Well noted on the antiquity in fencing as necessary combat exercise with swords which indeed went into a sport oriented theme with Angelo, but I believe of course probably went further into Italian origins, as well as Spanish. Agrippa and other Spanish masters taught and wrote in the 16th c.

Many of the terms used in fencing are of course Italian, many from the Spanish treatises and their 'destreza', and as you note certain French terms.

The curiosity of my 'foil' lies in the composite nature as described, the use the the notably foil like 1911 blade and the 1908 grip. Like the M1908 British sword as well as the M1913 Patton, the thrust was the primary attack and this seems aligned to those large bowl guard swords. This was the basis for suggestions it may have military origin.
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