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Old 25th August 2021, 12:02 AM   #12
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Peter Hudson View Post
Hello Jim, Foil swordplay goes back to the mid 17thC. tHE KEY WEBPAGE IN THIS REGARD IS

I recall seeing this black and white decoration on Foil target equipment but I cannot remember where.. I shall keep looking!

Regards, Peter Hudson.

Thank you Peter,
You always find great online resources!
While I once took fencing a short while (about a zillion yrs ago) I thought there were far more aspects of the practice than just physical. The history of fencing of course goes back basically to 16th century with treatises and Fechtbuch's etc. but surely can be traced earlier.

Fencing foils and equipment are a unique field of collecting and these curious military examples fit well into it. As previously mentioned, writers such as Robson mention these 'practice swords' but there is really scant detail on them. Mine seems to be more 'one off' as no other examples are known, perhaps a bowl guard adapted to blade and grip as composite.

Best regards
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