Originally Posted by vasilisnik
Thank you for your answer Saracen.
What is the indication that makes you think about Boka Kotorska?
Hi, vasilisnik. Thank you for the additional photos and I apologize for the long wait for my answer. I had a hard weekend

Since there is no characteristic ornament on the blade, I think about Boka Kotorska by the design of the scabbard.
Scabbard is either produced there, or produced by a master who has received the skills to make them in one of the weapons centers of this region.
The shape of the end of the scabbard (Chape?), as well as the shape and location of the movable ring tell me about this.
This spherical form chape of the scabbard, archaic for the Ottoman Khanjars, was preserved by the 19th century only on bichaqs from the Bay of Kotor region.
The bichaq itself may be a little older and probably this is not its first scabbard.
The ornament on its handle looks Greek to me, but this ornament is also often present on the handles of knives from the Boka Kotorska.