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Old 15th August 2021, 06:04 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Default Ottoman Suma Rod

On the heels of Norman's recent Thread, here is a new addition to the family.

This is a two-piece, pistol loading rod used while on horseback. It's similar to others you see with one exception: Instead of the handle section being allowed to unscrew exposing a twizzer type tool, this one is spring-loaded having a hidden, 4-sided push dagger as a last resort type of weapon. Very cool.
The scabbard portion (if you want to call it) has moderate engraving. The handle/grip portion is niello silver with an old patina, and lots of very fine engraving which would have taken a long time to accomplish. You can see the flat spring used to keep the dagger portion secure in the shaft. Likely Ottoman.
Another neat dual-use item. Any comments welcome. And thanks for looking.

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