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Old 15th August 2021, 04:55 PM   #8
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Norman

Congratulations. Nice find. I agree with others here, Ottoman Military with a plain, robust built priming flask and suma rod. The flasks show up often. The plain loading rods, not so often. And the suspension cords much less often.
To me, it looks like both the flask and rod were indeed used as a team. Possibly both were cleaned sometime in the past, as there doesn't appear to be much patina remaining. But none the less a nice set. By the wear on the leather and cord it appears this set was carried in action. And of course, that's what they were made for. LOL
If you look at the last two photos you posted, the photo on the left shows the suspension cord un-knotted more showing a larger loop. I can easily picture this loop suspended around the neck with the flask and rod positioned about the middle of the torso, and the suma rod tucked into the sash when not in use.
This makes sense while on horseback for reloading pistols.
Again, nice find. This would display great with a single or pair of Ottoman pistols. Nice addition to your collection.

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