blade marks at Hounslow
Benjamin Stone was the biggest operator at Hounslow; he was certainly the most notorious. His factories and mill feature prominently on the map of Hounslow at the time.
Most of the Germans there were supplying him or working for him; IENKES is a typical example.
Stone did not forge: he had a grinding mill and workshops for scabbards, belts and hilts.
Stone was supplying the Tower until civil war broke out when he de-camped, joined the King at Oxford and set up shop in Gloucester Hall and at Wolvercote. He never returned to Hounslow.
It is possible these German blades with that distinctive wolf were imported by Stone; but there were many others importing blades during the lifetime of Hounslow sword production
as it was accepted by the government that their enormous demands required importing from Germany and paying dearly; the only alternative was using English made blades which was not popular; I'm about to start a new thread relating to this issue.