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Old 13th August 2021, 07:49 PM   #27
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I conclude that our swords are both 20th Century, and both likely from the same area, if not the same bladesmithy.

I gather my sword scabbard is probably inter-war - between WWI and WWII, ie. 1930's, as is the sword, even considering the use of the peacock - which was probably copied up to the end in 1978 on these type.

The 'silver' metal on both swords is probably a lower grade silver alloy, and the central part the local version of bronze.

I also have found that the fancy Dhas/Daab are often given for wedding wear by the groom, and then hung in their silver alloy scabbards on the wall, like temple dha, and much like brides save their wedding dresses. The suspension on yours is the norm for a wedding dha.

Your blade is likely post WWII and is a proper fighting blade like mine, just a bit more modern and more decorated. 1950's IS likely. I suspect the custom of hanging on the wall is also justincase they need a bit of home defence - as is still common in more remote and wilder areas.

And wedding dhas are still sold there. Just not as high a quality as yours.

The inscriptions on the grip near the blade junction are still a mystery tho, which hopefully we will be given an answer in future.
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