Thread: blade mystery
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Old 13th August 2021, 06:14 PM   #12
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 566
Default Shields

Yet again we progress, thank-you Jim.

The shield is like a one on a swept hilt rapier I have. You attributed it to a City Guard which is almost certainly correct as far as the rapier is concerned. However, I don't understand what it is doing on that Hounslow Hunting Hangar. Perhaps you are correct and it was simply diverted to England. Were those short curved blades found in military circles during the early 1600s or late 1500s; or even early 1500s?

I've searched as best I can for the origin of my rapier marking but to no avail . One reference I found looked similar. (see attached)
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