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Old 13th August 2021, 05:06 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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The triple X mark was the control number for Amsterdam, one of the six chambers of the VOC (the others Rotterdam, Middelburg, Hoorn, Enkhrizen, Delft). The Dutch EIC (VOC) device was typically on blades for this famed firm, with typically the first letter of the chamber placed above the VOC (except Rotterdam where the R was below).
The letter Z stood for Zeeland, colonial province(s); the letter G for Galle (Ceylon).

On markings of the XXX control number for Amsterdam, sometimes these are topped by an A, but often a crown was used.

While this appears to be a crowned shield suggesting the konigskopf (Kings head) of Wundes it seems a bit out of character, but the distinct crown remains, perhaps a variant element of the 'control' figure?
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