11th August 2021, 05:50 PM
Keris forum moderator
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Nova Scotia
Posts: 7,199
Originally Posted by Gustav
Keris from van Duuren's book was donated by the heirs of Willem Frederik Carel Cornelis Pijnacker Hordijk, who died in 1938. As almost always, it's not known where and when he collected it. I did find a resume of his life, there are no data of him working or traveling in Dutch East Indies.
But - his father was brother of Cornelis Pijnacker Hordijk (1847-1908), Governor-General of Dutch East Indies from 1888 to 1893. Judging from the names, there is a connection, possibly he could have been our guy's godparent.
So there is some chance this Keris is indeed pre-1908, and also some chance Willem Frederik Carel Cornelis just bought it in a curio shop in Amsterdam. Most likely we will never know.
Like i said, i am willing to "entertain the notion". I agree that we probably will indeed never know. Thank for the additional info Gustav.