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Old 11th August 2021, 02:02 PM   #1
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Default Small sword for comments

An iron guard, with only the grip in bone, which must have been a replacement long, long ago; pommel peen looks intact. The pas d'ane not just residual; we can easily introduce the finger in it. Interesting that the quillon end (an acorn?) is bent to the side, looking however to have been born like that; some meaning to it ?
The blade wirh a lenticular ricasso and a perfect double fuller in the first third. Its length large enough to be considered fit for fighting; 86 cms. width 18 mm. Thickness 6 mm. Weight 532 grams.
The date, i would say, would still fall into 18th century.
Could you Genlemen guess on a origin of this sword, based on the above pictures and details.
Thank you in dvance.

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