Hi All,
Rick; That mark looks like a swallow tail butterfly? I have looked through all my references and can't find anything similar, I will keep looking. Very nice piece BTW.
Mark; thank you i really like this kaskara it is one of those swords that "feels" powerful, however next to that masterpiece posted by Valjhun it does seem plain.
Valjhun; Of course we knew you didn't think all Sudanese weapons are crude, I was just having a little fun, sorry no offence was intended.

. Regarding the tourist attribution to the e-bay piece, It is my understanding that through the 19th and 20th centuries there were many Brits etc. travelling through this region, there used to be a poster on the old forum as well as Dr. Lee who went there and saw many blades for sell to tourists. To explain why i feel this one most likely is one of these; First it is very crudely made with no attempt to finish it, both the blade and hilt. second and the most damning thing is the moons. I have never seen one of these face anything but the edge of the blade (anyone know why?). If you look the face that faces the middle of the blade is also upside down which means it is the correct mirror image and would have been the correct way arround if it faced the edge. Why this was done i don't know possible a quickly rushed piece, possible very poor attention to detail, or possible an insult to the intended buyer? In any event not likely a fact that would go unnoticed by the locals if it was a working piece?
Ariel; From what I have read on these, I agree with Mark that these are Islamic influenced and unlikely to be fashioned after crusader pieces. In fact the myth of crusader swords turned into kaskaras is until I see otherwise, just that, A myth. (Exempting the few pieces found in the Alexander armoury as previously noted by Jim, ham and C. Spring).
Lew; You have no idea how much I have thought of your piece since you first posted it, it is a treasure.