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Old 7th August 2021, 05:01 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 12
Default Lady Dagger advice: fix it(how?) or leave it alone?

Hello everyone!

I've seen posts from these forums before regarding these type of daggers so I thought it would be the perfect place to ask. I had been looking for one of these daggers since at least 2008 when I first saw one of them at the gotavapen website for the fairbairn sykes dagger. I bought this one on fleebay and unfortunately the seller didn't say the guard was loose to the point it will rattle if moved. It has a good gap. My question is should I risk try to fixing it and if so how? I saw a person on instagram boiling one dagger to melt the resin/pitch keeping the handle attached and then reattach everything again. That dagger however had a bone handle. Mine is ebony wood.

Any advice would be appreciated. I wouldn't want to ruin or destroy this piece of history. But it sucks that when I finally get it it comes damaged like that. I've seen worse though.

If anyone has any information of time period and country of origin I'd appreciate any knowledge you may be able to share.
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