Thread: Unknown sickle
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Old 31st July 2021, 11:26 AM   #1
Peter B.
Join Date: May 2021
Location: Germany
Posts: 43
Default Unknown sickle

Hello all together.
I'm new to the forum as a member and I would like to thank for all the usefull informations I found here till today as anonymous reader.
I'm living in Germany and I'm mainly interested in african and indonesian weapons.

To start here I want to show a sickle shaped weapon or tool which I have never seen before. I have no idea what it could be. I would be glad if someone can help to identify this item.

I bought it some years ago at a weapons fair; I found it in a box with indian stuff, all of it defect and mostly scrab. This was the only thing there that was in a nearly reasonable condition.

But to me it looks not as from India.

The sickle is very heavy, it weights nearly 1kg. It is 51cm long and the sickle-part has a triangular cross-section with 1cm wide at the back. If it is a tool, than you can use it only like an axe, but not as a sickle .

All ideas about origin and usage are welcome.

Thanks and best regards
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