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Old 30th July 2021, 11:54 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
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Originally Posted by Interested Party View Post
A very unfortunate name. I could not find out if this Clauberg is related to Auschwitz's Dr. Carl Clauberg. Cutler Clauberg's etching seemed crisper in the examples I've found than in the OP, but maybe that was done in the US. Does anyone know if Clauberg did his own hilts, or just blades?

Interesting association, and indeed unfortunate.
Clauberg sold blades and swords to the U.S. firms of Schuyler, Hartley & Graham and W.H.Horstmann who were outfitters for military officers.
While Clauberg is regarded as a blade 'grinder' and purveyor, there was a firm closely associated with him, Freidrich Engles & Co. who made hilts.

It seems that typically there were associated elements in production of swords with blades, hilts, and engraving handled by separate entities.
The New York firms listed were simply retailers and sold ordered swords.

Clauberg blades are known on troopers swords on sabers of both North and South if I have understood correctly. These were hilted by the firms who produced the munitions grade weapons for rank and file.
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