Thread: Mystery sabre
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Old 30th July 2021, 06:13 PM   #21
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Sorry for not commenting earlier in the thread, very busy week.

Again, thanks to everyone for their help ! Philip, your Cham theory is extremely interesting and I'll see if I can find more information by following this lead; nevertheless, this is a very solid proposition considering the general guom style and the muslim etchnigs.

To answer your questioning, I don't think it was ever meant to be carried, it is really long, heavy, and unbalanced. In my opinion, it was made from the start for display (be it simply for decoration or with a religious intention).

Ausjulius, I will also give a shot at the Hui theory. In any case, you are most certainly correct that this was made rather cheaply for display, most likely as a religious souvenir (though way less practical than a medal from Lourdes !).

Regarding the javanese influence, and considering the mix of different styles on this piece, I wouldn't be surprised either that the blade was etched somewhere, then mounted in another place.
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