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Old 29th July 2021, 09:35 PM   #8
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Mel H View Post
There was some discussion quite a while since among collectors regarding the oval ring, the thinking being that it was there in order for a horseman to be able to quickly pass the sword temporarily to his left hand where his fingers could safely grip it through the ring till the user needed to take it back ready to use in his right hand. I really can't remember if anyone put forward any provenance.
Thank you very much Mel for responding. This was one of the suggested possible purposes mentioned in some of the literature, it seems Ive seen it mentioned a couple of times. I dont think this aperture can be deemed for any specific purpose by design, but would serve well in this as well as to hold reins. As with many of these questions on certain elements found in sword design and structurally in hilts, there is often no recorded support historically, but its always good to have these things in discourse where material is compiled.
Again, thank you for this entry!!!
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