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Old 25th July 2021, 08:29 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Very much in agreement with these comments. As Mark observes most likely a lowland noble represented in 18th century fashion. With the element of a degree of artistic 'license' (or lack of distinct detail) the weapons do resemble the Highland type silver pistol and the Stirling type hilt basket hilt sword.

As Neil has mentioned, when George IV visited Edinburgh in 1822, he rekindled interest in Highland dress, tartans. This became a sort of fad which was indeed helped along by the romantic writings of Sir Walter Scott.
In the late 1830s however, the so called 'Sobieski' brothers (their last name was Allan) created a monumentally fabricated ancestral scheme claiming they were legitimate heirs to the Stuart throne. This further fueled the Scottish Jacobite enthusiasm and fascination with Scottish fashion and ancestral lore.

While there had been actual preferences for certain 'tartan' patterns among certain clans (mostly based on preferences as well as dyes from locally prevalent vegetation), after Culloden in 1746, not only weapons, but wearing of tartans was outlawed.
Most records of the actual clan tartans that were used were lost, but in 1822 the interest reformed and the Sobieski matter recharged things into the development of presumed tartan patterns in the Victorian era.

That is likely the climate in which this painting was probably produced, as suggested by Neil. A very handsome painting reflecting the colorful history of Scotland, if original oil, probably mid to latter 19th century.
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