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Old 24th July 2021, 06:46 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
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Default Philippine Bolo Mystery

This weapon has been somewhat perplexing to me because it screams Philippine, but the writing on the scabbard "L.T. Wyatt, 527-71-35 3rd Division doesn't make any sense.
The blade is of a common Philippine configuration, and without the guard, it closely resembles the Philippine Scout Bolo that was issued to Filipinos that were trained in the United States and then reinserted into the Philippines during WW2. What doesn't make sense is first, the 7 digit service number; during WW2, there were 8 digits, and next, the 3rd Division was never in the Pacific but in Europe.
Then I wondered if it could be a Philippine 3rd Division and in 1946 one was formed, but you wouldn't have a US service number and I'm guessing that Wyatt isn't a standard Philippine name.
I'm sure its something simple, but if someone has the answer, I would appreciate it.
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