Thread: Mystery sabre
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Old 20th July 2021, 08:10 AM   #16
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

yeah its an odd one.. id say its very recent.
"folk souvenir" like man for musli.m customers by makers of trinkets.. such cheap islamic theemed bladed "items" egypt, north african states..india, uzbekistan, iran. palestine... syria.. ect in markets and in areas sellin islamic items. many such items have a "pan islamic" feel to them.. mixes of several things that dont regularly combine. . yatagan or pala blade.. or a generic khanjar dagger shape.. but from strip steel and unsharpened.. zulfikir blade on a hunting knife shaped brazed metal handle with faux jewellery adorning it. some green or red velvet lined case for it.. lots of acid etching.

. they are ushally made by makers of metal products.

the product is definatly not a uyghur product. and.. dosnt have any features associated with them.
although the uyghurs do makealot of islamic kitch souvenirs in the same style as the uzbeks and tajiks... brazed pitch filled metal handles. false gems.. tacky 3mm thick mirror finished kilij blades with lots of islamic etching.. uyghur swords are identical to uzbek weapons on any account.

i dont know about the cham currently.. .. in cambodia the items they make were now identical to cambodian ones.. there is an youtube channel with a blacksmith making all manner of things "amazing kk daily' is the name, filmed in a cham kampong in cambodia.. as many blacksmith are cham there.but the seem to make cambodian items. ..
in vietnam they are so oppressed i really dont know what they now make. but their 19th century arms are a malay, cambodian and vietnamese mixture.. metal handled kris and such.. dahb with large curved handles and big pommels ect.. it could very well be their creation.. although nothing on the knife gives me any clues to that.
i think we need a good cham thread to discuss their arms and to investigate if and are still made .

i still think its chinese Hui.. either made in china or burma. made as a religious souvinir.
infact now im almost positive it is.. i feel some place ive seen an exact sword of the type in china some place.. but its vague in my memory.

but the flaming ying yang is a dead give away on that sheath.. as hui are fond of all these type of things..... being chinese they mix these things in with islamic themes. .
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