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Old 19th July 2021, 02:05 AM   #15
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Richard R. View Post
I have searched for a comparable sabre grip on a French sabre, without success. Specially to note is that sabre hilt is distinguishingly formed as a lioness. This seems unusual, as otherwise lions (with manes) seem to be seen as pommels on sabre or sword hilts.

Am I correct in assuming that this mount and the decoration as well as the outline of the blade do not point to a British sabre? This even though sabre hilts with lion heads and serpents on the guard are known on English honour sabres for the beginning of the 19th century.
The British 'honor' sabers seem to have had the cutler's name RICHARD TEED engraved on the scabbard, with one exception, J.SALTER, also engraved in the same manner.
The blades were inscribed to the recipient.
Am I correct that neither of these features occur on this saber?
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