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Old 16th July 2021, 01:10 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This is a very interesting item, and I would agree with Fernando that this does not fit the character of a breech loaded chamber.
I agree with him as well in the observation that there are many types of independent explosive devices of this nature which have been produced for many purposes as described, which follow a simple functional character not necessarily in distinct or standard pattern.

Always interesting to see these kinds of 'artillery' type items and the broad scope of variation they often present. The 'breech block' was something I only learned of several years ago, and this does bring these to mind as Richard noted. I was involved in researching one of these from a shipwreck in which the actual deck gun was no longer with it, so trying to determine which type of gun it might have come intriguing conundrum considering the many variations.
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