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Old 16th July 2021, 03:02 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Battara View Post
I will say though that on one kris for example in the book, I think it is attributed to Sulu when based on pictures of Maguindanaos (and actual Maguindanao with documentation) it is actually Maguindanao.

From the Visayas up I would agree that it is accurate, but for the Moros - I would take the book with a grain of salt. And Cato has not been completely inaccurate, though take him with a grain of salt too.
It's not perfect, admittedly. I'm one of those advocating for a second edition to rectify a number of errors- but I think these are minor compared to the wealth of data presented by the book on PH weapons, which have not yet before been compiled in a formal reference.

In a nutshell- anyone wishing to study PH weapons SHOULD have that book beside them. It's not perfect, it's not complete- but it provides a solid, updated foundation for anyone wanting to have significant knowledge.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Leif =)
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