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Old 11th July 2021, 09:12 PM   #8
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 128

Hi Will,
It is certainly an intrigue. I don't think the word that looks like "steel" can be "Med", it is not how the "M" was written & the "d" at the end is very unlike his "d" at the end of "sword". I sent this over to Christopher Roads (author of standard reference "British Soldier's Firearm 1850-1864") as I know that he reads copper plate with no hesitation at all. In our subsequent discussion he said that it definitely says "Hilt Grenade Centre" and at the bottom "NP" for New Pattern & "Gren Guards" for Grenadier Guards. He was curious to know what the grenade in the centre of the hilt wouldhave looked like (he is ex R.A.) and also wanted me to ask if a sword such as this was actually screwed together, or pinned/peened? He was also surprised when I mentioned Crimean War provenance and said that one would need be quite cautious re that given the 1856 date in this document and that the war ended in February of that year. I asked what he read the word "steel" as & he will go back and look at that.
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