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Old 10th July 2021, 10:09 PM   #118
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Ira,

Please let me know what other photographs does the forum need to better help identify my blade?
Your pic of the whole piece in post #88 is not bad - a larger pic of the blade would be great (the one in post #110 is taken at an angle): Make sure though to minimize effects of wide angle lenses, especially mobile phone lenses easily result in distorted lines. If available, try a tele lens and keeping the lens exactly vertical above the center of the blade; utilize only the middle of the pic for the part to be shown and later crop the high rez pic; try to keep as much size as well as resolution as possible! (The forum software now accepts quite large pics - more than is stated in the old rules...)

Both sides of the blade, please. And a view on the top (back of the blade) to see the distal taper would be kind. Sometimes a close-up of the base of the blade as well as closer to the tip reveals additional details.

BTW, Jose, did you try to etch this blade? Any laminations?

Barung blades are quite tough to evaluate from pics and handling them gives you much more data for any attribution. Thus, it would be great to hear Jose's thoughts on this blade, too!

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