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Old 2nd July 2021, 06:08 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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This is a positively breathtaking sword!
From what I can find, the cross and orb if I recall, was typically regarded as a South German affectation and used in a kind of talismanic sense I believe, acting as a religious invocation.
In "European Blade Makers, Their Marks" by Staffan Kinman , 2015, there is a remarkably similar mark in the configuration of these 'arms', which seems among many of such type in variation. It seems the same type marking was used from early 16th c. on Swiss weapons, but the same type of armed devices found use in Passau as well.

The mark I refer to also notes it is from unknown maker, as most Passau attributed marks are, and c. 1560-80.

It is a salient point to note that it is mentioned these marks were inlaid in brass (latten).
ref" W.M. Schmid, "Passauer Waffenwesen"
'Zeutschrift fur Historische Waffenkunde", 1902-05; 1918-20
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