Thread: new kaskara
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Old 29th June 2021, 06:28 PM   #3
Marc M.
Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Belgium
Posts: 245

Originally Posted by Edster View Post
Hi Marc,

Nice Beja kaskara. I agree it's likely European blade, but it appears much better quality than munitions grade blades supplied in the mid-late 19C. There are other Formites better qualified to characterize blades, but I'll contribute what little I can.

The type channels the Oakeshott type X style with both distal & profile tapers. The wide fuller is seldom seen on a Kaskara and when they do they usually come from Ethiopian blades. Do you see any markings under the langets that might give a clue to its origin?

The crossguard is of the older style, but not up to the wide tapers seen on Darfur types.

The tassel is likely newer than the grip cover as it shows only little wear.

I just finished re-reading "Karari, The Sudanese Account of the Battle of Omdurman" by 'Ismat Hasan Zulfo (1972-Arabic, 1980-English) Well worth reading to get a broader account of the battle from the Mahdist's perspective. It also gives a perspective on Osman Digna and his Bega fighters. They fought mainly in Eastern Sudan and participated in the Battle of Atbara. They had a minor, but famous role in the Battle of Omdurman/Karari along with W. Churchill & the 21st Lancers. He lost few warriors at either Atbara or Omdurman, and after Omdurman his men went back home. The point is your sword was likely not a battlefield pick-up or war trophy, but may have been from that era. Many Mahdist blades had votive figures and Quran quotes scratched into the blade. It was likely assembled and collected in the intervening years in Eastern Sudan between Kassala and Suakin.

Best regards,
Hi Ed
Thank you for your comment, no markings under the langet, i've read your outstanding essay about the kaskara and that on this blade type makers marks are rare, so no markings are to be expected, which makes it difficult to identify, you can only go for the quality of the forged blade.
I'm a blacksmith so i know a little bit about forging. the sellers pictures where not so clear and blade was rusted, but it looked good so i took the risk.Seller had it 15 years got it from a friend who brought it back from Sudan
Do you have any idea about the function and meaning of the tassel, the different colors (status, rank).
Best regards
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