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Old 20th June 2021, 08:20 AM   #39
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

This pamor of yours is Lawe Setukel, Rick.

Lawe Setukel means "tangled thread".

This particular form, and there are a number of ways for this pamor to be interpreted, is East Javanese.

It is a very, very select pamor, very few people are able to survive having custody of this pamor, it causes confusion in daily life, forgetfulness, and difficulty in completing tasks that have been planned and should be simple to perform.

There is a tale of an Indonesian Government Minister who was desperate to obtain a particular keris that had this pamor. He eventually did obtain it after great effort, and promptly went insane.

It is generally agreed that the safest course to take if one finds oneself in possession of a keris with Lawe Setukel pamor is to give it to somebody of advanced age, preferably over the age of eighty, for safe keeping.

The reasoning behind this is that these people of advanced age have so little to lose anyway that the evil force contained in Lawe Setukel pamor cannot bring itself to attack them.
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