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Old 13th June 2021, 07:01 PM   #20
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Norman McCormick View Post
Hi Urbanspaceman,
This post should be of some interest A lot of the officers swords tended to have light decorative blades great for show but not so great in combat on the other hand the N.C.O.'s version does have a blade and general construction that is much more suitable for fighting.
My Regards,
Hi Norman,
We crossed posts. After 1786, the infantry basically ceased wearing swords, except for officers and NCO's. As I had noted, infantry officers were not expected to enter into direct fighting, but to 'direct their forces'. The NCOs however were part of the fighting element, and as such continued wearing swords. This is why the notable basket hilts used by the 42nd (Black Watch) when turned in c. 1783, remained worn by NCOs.
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