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Old 11th June 2021, 07:07 PM   #5
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Default Dutch sword uses

Originally Posted by Jim McDougall View Post
Returning to the sword here, most small swords were in effect 'walking swords' or 'dress', and in these occasions any excessive length would be disruptive or 'difficult', obviously a long blade in close circumstances is impairing. Then it would seem, such a blade would be probably for the duel, or a situation where such confrontation would be imminent.
Yes, that is something I had not considered, but in this instance it is only a 28inch blade; the slim profile makes it look much longer than it is: the widest part is only half an inch.

I have heard references made to the lack of a knuckle-bow being indicative of duelling rapier/smallswords.

As I said, it does not inspire confidence when possibly dealing with a brutal battlefield blade and I suspect there may even have been a pair originally.
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