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Old 11th June 2021, 04:28 PM   #8
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No Keith, this is not mine, although i have in time acquired a few pieces from this collection; in fact this is a book/catalogue that the author (Eduardo Nobre) published to promote its sales.
There is no detailed description on the blade, except that it is a Colichemarde . ... and the Konigsmark story.
The images i posted are as good as those in the book. To my eyes there is no actual hollow ground profile; however the three parts of the forte look slightly concave. On the other hand, as both images show the same side of it, i can't even say if the other side is flat... yet it could (should) be.
Blade length 780 mm. thickness 30 mm. Total length 940 mm.
Sorry i can't be more precise .

On the sword, the guard, the grip, the knuckle guard and the pommel are all pierced and chiselled. There is an animal head in the knuckle guard where it meets the pommel, with eyes and plumage.
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