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Old 6th June 2021, 11:49 AM   #7
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Thanks to Jim for his helpful and informative posts, above. So, its quite likely the mark represents a "Bushy Tail Fox" or "Running Horse", and probably of English manufacture...

Regarding dating, as the hilt scales are made of gutta-percha, this precludes a date of manufacture prior to the mid 19th century. I should also mention that looking closely at the blade, there seems a fair chance that the profile has been rounded off to form a spatulate end, rather than coming to a point, at some later period ?

I have had a good look over the internet to find a similar knife, but without success, although the impressed design to the gutta-percha is quite typical for the Victorian period. Can anyone find an image of a comparable piece ?

Any more information is of course welcome.
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