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Old 6th June 2021, 08:01 AM   #4
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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It seems with Indian swords there is a great deal of consternation concerning terminology. The khanda is indeed a very old Indian sword form, and the hilt on this one seems more to the 'old' style as the European influence brought about what became known as the 'Hindu basket hilt' in the 17th century.

I would think this one could easily be 18th century, despite the suggestion of more modern dates on many of these. As always, considering regional adherence to traditional form and style rather than a steady chronological development overall I think is best.

The 'Hindu basket hilt' types seem to most often fall into the 'firangi' category, which simply means 'with a foreign blade'.
These spatulate blades I have always regarded as 'pattisa' though clearly different writers seem to have different views on exactly what determines this classification.

As far as I have known, wootz seems to be primarily used in saber blades and varying forms of dagger and short swords. I had no idea this metal was used in khanda or pattisa blades.

The two dot situation is interesting, but I dont believe it is any sort of makers mark. There are often 'trimurti' (three dots) placed at what seem to be strategic locations on blades (usually tulwar), but blades other than elaborate Islamic ones as far as I know do not have makers marks.,
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