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Old 6th June 2021, 12:41 AM   #11
Vikingsword Staff
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Great set of pictures and excellent comments!

I notice that the man brandishing his kris (also Maguindanao in origin) is holding it backwards. Those holding their sheathed kris have the hilt inverted. Perhaps it is the preferred manner for the T'boli to use the kris upside down. Or maybe they don't use them any more and this is just a pose for the camera. Those holding/wearing a tok have it correctly oriented.

I see too another man wearing a similar style of shirt/jacket as the man in the original post.

These folk all look like poor peasants who maybe put on their best shirt and pants for the visit of a dignitary. Their traditional weapons may be the best piece of "male jewellery" they own, hence the display of swords and one spear.
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