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Old 5th June 2021, 05:26 PM   #9
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by Kubur View Post
Thank you Jim, very informative as always!
If I remember Rawson discussed Indian hilt styles too, but the lack of pictures makes the text difficult to understand...At least, Pant had these ugly, but useful, drawings...

Thanks Kubur, actually I had great opportunities in learning about tulwars in years of discussions with Jens, as well as researching these in many resources that developed along with them. Actually Jens was involved in printing the first edition of 'The Indian Sword" in Denmark and once shared the original manuscript from Philip Rawson, which was written in cataloging the collections in V & A in London.

Actually, as Jens once pointed out, Rawson was concerned primarily with blade forms and made little mention of hilts. Pant, in 1980, was concerned primarily with hilt forms, though of course did make some observations on blades. He also took issue with numerous statements made by Rawson, and noted those in rebuttal in his book.

Its funny, even as much as I learned on tulwars, for years, I have only found more questions to be answered!
The learning never stops.....which is why we're all here.
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