Jim, i didn't realize that the phrase
Si esta vibora te pica no hay remedio en la botica,, originally seen in Spanish navajas, has crossed the ocean and (also) found residence in modern Mexican Bowies.
Mark, also amazing that historic knives like the 'coffin handle' are presently imortalized by modern Pakistani cuttlers, as you show us.
On a different note, although there appears to be evidence that Bowie (or better, his brother Rezin ?) ordered the famous big knife from James Black, there is no actual detailed description, or image, of such knife's form ... and size. As i see it, the picture in Flayderman's book cover is completely a thing different from all 'Bowie' variations we see out there, including the one in Bowie's portrait posted by Jim.
Guys, just tell me i am talking nonsense
