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Old 27th May 2021, 05:44 PM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Stu

Nice find. I agree with the Algerian origins. The stock architecture and long, tapered octagon barrel are common to other Algerian long guns. (Although I've seen a couple with octagon to round barrels). And Eftihis's gun looks like a brother to yours.
The half-stock is interesting. The other Algerian guns with the miquelet locks are typically full stocks - although the length of their forearms only travel about 2/3 rds. the distance to the muzzle. And the ramrods are wood. I always thought it would be easy to damage a wood ramrod without the fore end of the stock not traveling full length, or with some other support at the muzzle. But that's how they were built.
The two examples shown here appear to have been made as half-stocks, versus a repair from a broken fore end. Yes, maybe a blend of Algerian and Tunisian styles.
I've seen this style before with the flintlock in place of the common Algerian miquelet lock. A different variation from a different gun shop to suite a local taste I guess.
Here is one I have, although in poor condition as I bought it as a "parts" gun.
The same general stock design. But this one has the so-called 2/3rds. length stock. Just another small variation.

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