Originally Posted by fernando
Every time Jim tells this story, i recall bringing two polearms from Rainer Daehnhardt's shop, in which my car (computerized) fuel consumption increased with the mounting of crosswise crates on the car roof ... and lowered back on the way back, due to the aerodinamics of the (wrapped) pointy devices.
No cop interference on the highway, though  .
The only accidental marks i have caused are a few scratches in the ceiling when i handle long pole arms before positioning them in the living room walls.
LOL!!! every time I tell this story!!! ......its like my grandson when I say, 'did I tell ya the one about ...?' he retorts, 'uh, yeah grandpa! about 40p00 times!!!!
Im glad Im not alone in these mid-adventures !!!
Fernando, it seems like you had a lot of physics at play there.........you needed a weight and balance sheet!