Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
LOL! Thank you Philip!!! Actually yes, I was, and lost in the hubris of 'the charge' as I barreled down the 405 Freeway!!! The CHP officer who completely foiled my 'charge' was baffled, but lightly amused by my situation as I explained.
This one was up there with my unfortunate and Drambuie laden and inadvertent combat between a tulwar and ceiling fan, very Don Quixote! 
Did you recite part of Tennyson's poem about that Crimean encounter? If the officer had any appreciation of literature he would have had to let you go scot-free.
I once killed an oscillating room fan with a stroke from a Qing military saber after watching one too many martial arts films. Fan was on, the blade clove through the wire guard and shattered the plastic fan propeller.