Thread: Old talibong
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Old 19th May 2021, 10:28 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Battara View Post
Oh I think tailbong came from Cebu too.
Hope you don't mind me correcting... "talibong" term actually isn't endemic in Leyte/Samar. The Waray call their battle blades as "sundang" and their utility ones as "bolo." While there's been info in this forum that the rattan-wrapped, thumb-indented, heavy-bellied bolo used to be called "garab," the Filipino Traditional Blades research group is still gathering data on the ground for the actual name of that weapon. They believe that there's a more specific term for that blade that's endemic to the Waray-speaking areas.

This has been the case for Cebuano 'pinuti,' which FTB researched to have different variants with specific blade profiles and other defining features - lawi-lawi, tinamban, lawihan, etc which can be traced back to antique samples as well.
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