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Old 18th May 2021, 03:20 AM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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Hello Jim! ha, snagged you with the Scottish basket! Actually, I just forgot to move it out of the way when I was snapping pics. That ship model is the HMS Surprise, one of my favs from reading. Unfortunately, I don't have any of the history for this pike. I know firmly that it is American and mid-century. It came from an elderly woman's collection of art, antiques, ephemera, erc on sale at a high end antique shop I frequent on occasion. This beast was in a back room not even open to the public, but when i mentioned to the curator my interests, he showed me. That was years ago and I finally decided to add it to the collection. That's my story!
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