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Old 4th May 2021, 12:41 PM   #1
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Default Indian wotsit -Keratch?

Just aquired this Indian tulwar hilted sword. It's on it's way to me at the moment, should have it in a few days. It's straight, double edged and sharp both edges to the prominent ricasso. Very pointy too. No apparent markings in the photos. Dark patinated hilt, appears to be undecorated, pointy midsection of the grip suited for gloves, so i'm guessing northern. Hilt pommel disk has a spike with a damaged end. Blade is NOT decorated, and remains in the rough state after being filed into shape by the original bladesmith, and left unpolished. Surprising since the blade shows distinct signs of being pattern welded steel in a fairly uniform bird's eye pattern )I'll use FeCl on it after it gets here to confirm.

So appears to be a 'munitions grade' user rather than a parade weapon, but made from a good steel possibly better than wootz for combat. Shall I call this a keratch? If not, what?

more details on arrival.
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