Thread: Bunti wood
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Old 29th April 2021, 01:14 PM   #8
Vikingsword Staff
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Two very nice barung, both with some age (probably late 19th C). I would say the one with the larger kakatua is the older of the two. As barung age and have been handled a lot, the banati wood becomes darker from contact with oil and sweat from the hands mixed with dirt. The wood takes on a dark burnished appearance, as both of yours have. I think this is a desirable feature and an indication of authentic age/use. For that reason I would do no more than a light rubbing with a slightly damp cotton cloth to remove any surface dirt on the wood. Mineral oil is fine if you want to feed dry wood--it is less viscous than linseed oil and any excess can be removed more readily. Then rub it dry with a soft cotton cloth. That should give a nice sheen to the surface. If you want a shinier finish on the wood, Renaissance Wax gives a nice result.

I agree with Rick that the silver needs a polish.
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