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Old 22nd April 2021, 01:25 PM   #9
mariusgmioc's Avatar
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A significant portion of kindjals have silver fittings and even scabbards.

The fact a kindjal has some tiny amount of silver in it, doesn't make it a higher grade,
nor does the presence of leather in the scabbard... unless it is a modern product.

A much more relvant criteria would be the quality of the blade. Now what is a good quality blade, this is a long discussion.
The presence of the maker's mark definitely contributes towards a better quality, but so does the presence of the fullers.
Making fullers in a steel blade is a labour-intensive process and it adds to the value of the blade.

However, in this case I believe the markings on the blade are not the makers' mark but some spurious decorations.

Another important criteria for the quality of a blade is its condition. A heavily rusted blade is considered to be of lower quality. But so is a blade that was excessively cleaned.

The quality of the fittings is another long topic. While the materials used in the fittings do carry some weight, it is much more important the quality of workmanship.

Just browse this site and you will find many examples of kindjals in various qualities. Then, you can compare them to yours and form your own, but more educated opinion.

Last edited by mariusgmioc; 22nd April 2021 at 01:50 PM.
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