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Old 22nd April 2021, 05:15 AM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Interesting Rajasthani tulwar, most certainly late 19th c. but these are hard to date as they were of course in use by style many years. Those stamped markings would not designate a state, in fact it is not usual to see such stamps. The Indian army regiments often chose tulwars for their use, and some could have been so marked, but actually there is no reliable listing of such cases.

Many organizations such as railroads and large firms had their own security forces, sometimes equipped with tulwars or British military form swords of various patterns.

It would take a considerable amount of research on this, and over the years efforts have been made to find arsenal markings, or for that matter makers marks on Indian swords but little such data is known. Several arsenal marks are known, such as Bikaner, and in some cases British native cavalry have had unit numbers stamped, such as 13BL (13th Bengal Lancers), but there is little consistancy.

In any case, a good sturdy fighting tulwar from Rajasthan, but could have found use in numerous regions.
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