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Old 21st April 2021, 10:10 PM   #38
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Hi Joe,
Actually that particular marking on the kaskara would be considered mostly not connected to the discussion on the interesting sword you posted in the OP.
While it reflects a degree of the artistic 'style' , the key element, as in much of the art in African material culture is the symmetry.

It is of course, not terribly surprising to not have an exact match in the references and compendiums of African arts as most of this is localized and often individually designed. Bringing together such preferences and notable influences in art will bring remarkable, and 'coincidental' comparisons.

In discussions with a prominent professor of anthropology whose primary field is in African cultures and religions, he suggested this item may be of the Ekonda people, who are a sub group of the Bantu Mongo people. These tribes are situated in the equitorial forests of the Congo in Central Africa, with large concentrations in Bandundu province (western Congo).

While this naturally this cannot be presumed as conclusive, it is based mostly on the symmetry found in some of their material culture with some similarity.
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