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Old 18th April 2021, 11:16 PM   #13
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Join Date: Jun 2019
Location: Tennessee, USA
Posts: 52

This does not match in form or style any polearms I’ve run across... which is not unusual in the polearm world.

The blade appears heavily influenced by post-17th century sword blades, and the attachment method obviously resembles European polearms for many centuries.

Since design is often a result of usage/function, the upturned tip would imply it was designed after armor had gone out of style. It does not appear to be a copy of another design, but a combination of two.

Unregulated or unique lower end polearms are often attributed (rightly or wrongly) to locally blacksmithed militia weapons or general “peasant revolt” weapons.

Whatever it is, I believe it is “real” and purposefully built as a weapon.

I would venture to guess it’s mid-18th to mid-19th century. I usually see the unusual/“peasant” polearms of this period associated with Ireland, Scotland, and France... but those determinations are likely solely a function of where the item was discovered in an attic versus any inherent design assumptions.

This is my opinion, which is worth what you paid for it.
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