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Old 18th April 2021, 07:47 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Philip
Don't we all dream of finding the saber carried by Genghis Cohen?
Dig deep enough on the internet, one of us lucky bums might just find it!
There is a fairly high mathematical chance that I am a descendant of this Genghis chap. As such, with that connection, I feel I can say that the chances of this sword being his are less than the chances I will win the European Lottery. And I'm not even entered in it.

Personally, I feel the rust is way too uniform, especially in the 'engraved' bits. I'd expect some on an old sword to have transitioned to the black form of oxide, especially in the grooved parts.

Also, the style of the dragon appears rather odd to me. The 19c chinese 'fake swords for those who travel' industry was well underway in the 19c Qing era. If you could disassemble the grip by unscrewing the pommel, and look at the tang might be revealing.
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